Insights from Consensys
Insights and White Papers on DeFi, Finance, and Commerce

A review of where we are in Ethereum's protocol development and how the Merge to Proof of Stake will impact institutions.

The institutional DeFi world is at an incredibly exciting moment in its adoption cycle. The time is ripe for your organization to learn about the experience of first movers, the emerging opportunities in the DeFi space, and how best to start engaging.

The DeFi data, context, NFTs, tools, and trends that defined Web3 in Summer 2021.
Cryptoeconomic Research from Consensys
Read analysis and content focusing on the DeFi and Web3 markets, token engineering, DAO and Web3 participation, and on-chain investment strategy.
Technical Blockchain Reports from Consensys Research

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Measuring Blockchain DecentralizationPart 3 of the Consensys Research Interoperability Series. Originally delivered as a talk at Devcon V, this article identifies and quantifies metrics of decentralization on the Ethereum mainnet with visualizations and robust data.

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The Maximally Decentralized Blockchain Settlement LayerPart 2 of the Consensys Research Interoperability Series (Part 1: Avoiding Blockchain Balkanization). A look at the longstanding dangers of protocol maximalism and the improbability of one blockchain arising as universally superior. This article situates the “settlement” argument—the viewpoint that the future will be comprised of a multitude of different blockchains, all of which are underpinned by a maximally-decentralized protocol.

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Avoiding Blockchain BalkanizationPart 1 of the Consensys Research Interoperability Series. A historical look at the evolution of the Internet and the emergence of siloed and disparate protocols. This piece explores early industry warnings about the dangers of balkanization and looks at the blockchain industry’s worrisome adoption towards a similar mindset.

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