Case Studies and Client Stories
Read about some of Consensys Codefi's software deployments across digital asset and wealth management, capital markets, digital currencies and stablecoins, decentralized networks, institutional staking, and more.
Codefi Payments
GroundX and Bank of Korea: Building CBDC InfrastructureConsensys will be the lead technical partner for GroundX’s winning bid for the Bank of Korea Central Bank Digital Currency pilot project.
Codefi Payments
European Investment Bank: First Digital Bond on BlockchainAPR2021. Consensys formed a joint team together with Societe Generale - FORGE to define and develop the smart contract representing CBDC balances in Euro. The smart contract leveraged existing token standards and was deployed by the Banque de France on the Ethereum mainnet, with settlement taking place on chain.
ConsenSys Codefi
Covantis: Modernizing Global Supply ChainsCovantis partnered with Consensys to create a global network for the efficient execution of bulk agricultural trade operations. Covantis relies on Codefi Orchestrate to manage the complexities of blockchain transaction management, and Codefi Workflow to facilitate document sharing.