
Download the Q2 2020 Ethereum DeFi Report

A review and analysis of DeFi protocols and performance in Q2 2020 by ConsenSys Codefi.


This report provides insights into the performance of the Ethereum decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem in Q2 2020, and how specific protocols and users responded to market events in the first three months of the year. Main topics covered include:
  • Overall DeFi data statistics, summaries, and analyses.
  • DeFi user behavior and network visualizations.
  • COMP, Compound, and Yield Farming
  • BTC tokenized on Ethereum
  • The Uniswap,, and Bancor security incidents
  • The performance of specific high-profile DeFi protocols, including Compound, Uniswap, and MakerDAO
  • An DeFi outlook for the rest of 2020

Authors: Everett Muzzy, Danning Sui, Bogdan Gheorge