
Proposal: Dynamic Risk Parameters - Quarterly Update

Created: January 17th, 2022

Passed: Yes

  • 1,174,287 For

  • 0 Against

What does it do: 

  • Gauntlet updates streaming grant request to 8,168 COMP for next quarter, which is approximately $1.1 million at current prices

  • Gauntlet moves to Sablier Stream for payments

Why: Gauntlet is rehired for another quarter.

Takeaway: Gauntlet gets paid


Proposal: Add Assets to Aave Polygon Market and Update WMATIC Risk Parameters

Created: January 24th, 2022

Passed: Yes

  • 369,437 For

  • 0 Against

What does it do: List BAL, CRV, DPI, GHST, LINK, and SUSHI from the AAVE V2 market on the Aave Polygon Market, and list GHST as a new asset to the Polygon market as collateral. WMATIC risk parameters are also being updated.

Why: Aave needs to add assets supported on Aave V2 to Polygon market and update risk parameters for WMATIC.

Takeaway: This proposal is more of a mis-mosh of different things, which is different than the normal Aave proposals.

Proposal: Revert ENJ Parameter Changes and Enable FEI as Collateral on Aave V2

Created: January 25th, 2022

Passed: Yes

  • 407,890 For

  • 0 Against

What does it do: Revert ENJ parameter changes that were implemented by AIP 55 and to enable FEI as a collateral asset on Aave V2.

Why: The wrong asset's risk parameters were changed, and thus it needs correcting.

Takeaway: Aave corrects its markets.


Proposal: Temporarily Prevent Surplus (flap) Auctions and MKR Burn

Created: January 24th, 2022

Passed: Yes,

  • 97,035.90 For

What does it do: This was an out-of-schedule executive proposal in response to surplus auctions that were triggered by liquidations at the end of last week. The porposal aimed to prevent surplus auctions temporarily, until the auction/burn mechanism could be improved. To do this, the following changes have been made:

- Existing System Surplus Buffer lerp function was disabled

- The System Surplus Buffer parameter was set to 250 million DAI

Why: This was done to prevent surplus auctions, as per this urgent signal request, until the auction/burn mechanism can be improved. 

Takeaway: As a result of the change there will be no more MKR burning until a replacement implementation is in place. This has a knock-on effect during a market decline as the burn features causes increased demand for buying MKR, which supports the price. On the plus side, Maker will avoid auctioning MKR, with the potential for high slippage, due to the changes.

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