

Blockchain for Social Impact and NGOs

Our mission is to leverage emerging technologies to solve the world's most pressing issues. We collaborate with NGOs, enterprises, and universities to achieve the UN’s sustainable development goals.

We work to empower marginalized voices by leveraging blockchain technology.

Social Impact at Consensys is a collective of Mesh efforts to make the world a better place. Our mission is to act upon opportunities that enable and leverage the exponential impact of blockchain technology to address critical social and environmental challenges. We activate the capabilities of Consensys and the Ethereum community to educate, advise, and assist NGOs, social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and other impact-focused entities in pursuing global Sustainable Development Goals.

Our vision is a system of well-tested, accessible, and sustainable blockchain-based solutions to help remove the global community’s largest hurdles and help solve the world’s most pressing issues.

Change the world with Social Impact at Consensys.

What We Focus On


Partnering with NGOs, universities, governments, VCs, and corporates


Empowering marginalized communities by teaching about blockchain technology

Cash Assistance & Philanthropy

Blockchain-enabled cash assistance programming and philanthropy solutions

Identity & Accessibility

Leveraging Decentralized Identifiers & NGO methodology to provide digital identities

Supply Chain & Immutable Evidence

Tamper-proof evidence & transparent supply chains for worker wellness

Social Impact Assets

Carbon credit systems, recyclable markets, collateralized loans, & inclusive fintech

Social Impact Case Studies

Hala Systems: Saving lives and documenting war crimes in Syria Hala Systems: Saving lives and documenting war crimes in Syria
Hala Systems: Saving lives and documenting war crimes in Syria

Blockchain for Armed Conflict. An initiative that pinpoints the location of impending airstrikes, alerts citizens to evacuate and records immutable evidence that identifies the perpetrators of attacks.

Project Unblocked Cash: Revolutionizing humanitarian cash transfers in Vanuatu Project Unblocked Cash: Revolutionizing humanitarian cash transfers in Vanuatu
Project Unblocked Cash: Revolutionizing humanitarian cash transfers in Vanuatu

Blockchain for Social Impact. An Ethereum-based Cash and Voucher Assistance humanitarian solution enabling more speed, efficiency, and transparency in financial aid for disaster relief.

Project Bifrost: Bringing speed, transparency, and cost savings to crisis aid distribution Project Bifrost: Bringing speed, transparency, and cost savings to crisis aid distribution
Project Bifrost: Bringing speed, transparency, and cost savings to crisis aid distribution

Blockchain for Social Impact. A collaboration between Consensys Social Impact, MakerDAO, and Dether to expedite and reduce the cost of delivering cash on the ground in crisis areas.

Bait to Plate: Revolutionizing end-to-end supply chain management Bait to Plate: Revolutionizing end-to-end supply chain management
Bait to Plate: Revolutionizing end-to-end supply chain management

Blockchain for Supply Chain. An initiative by WWF, TraSeable, SeaQuest, and Consensys that tracks seafood from vessel to supermarket to stamp out illegal fishing and human rights abuses in the Pacific Islands’ tuna industry.

Impactio: Realizing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 Impactio: Realizing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals by 2030
Impactio: Realizing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

Blockchain for Social Impact. A partnership between Panda Labs and Consensys, bringing together project leaders, subject matter experts, and funders to make high impact, SDG-focused, projects happen.

Bounties for Basura: Combatting plastic pollution in the Philippines Bounties for Basura: Combatting plastic pollution in the Philippines
Bounties for Basura: Combatting plastic pollution in the Philippines

Blockchain for Social Impact. An initiative by the Bounties Network,, and Consensys to incentivize individuals to clean up a polluted shoreline in exchange for digital payments.

Luxarity: Tackling unsustainable consumption practices in luxury retail Luxarity: Tackling unsustainable consumption practices in luxury retail
Luxarity: Tackling unsustainable consumption practices in luxury retail

Blockchain for Sustainable Fashion and Retail. An initiative by Lane Crawford Joyce Group and Consensys to recycle luxury goods, collect donations, and educate buyers about sustainable consumption with the support of blockchain technology.

Worker Wellness: Improving factory conditions in Mexico Worker Wellness: Improving factory conditions in Mexico
Worker Wellness: Improving factory conditions in Mexico

Blockchain for Social Impact. A collaboration between Harvard, Levi’s, and Consensys to augment outside audits of factory health and safety with secure blockchain-based self-reporting by workers.

Black Girls CODE: Bringing diversity to Ethereum development Black Girls CODE: Bringing diversity to Ethereum development
Black Girls CODE: Bringing diversity to Ethereum development

Blockchain for Social Impact. An initiative by Black Girls Code and Consensys aiming to increase the number of women of color working in tech and STEM industries with the first training program focused specifically on blockchain technology.

UNICEF Innovation’s Boost Token: Introducing positive action token projects UNICEF Innovation’s Boost Token: Introducing positive action token projects
UNICEF Innovation’s Boost Token: Introducing positive action token projects

Blockchain for Social Impact. An initiative by UNICEF, the Bounties Network, and Consensys to incentivize individual contributions to improving communities locally and globally with digital public acknowledgement of positive actions.

Devcon Scholars Program: Broadening access to the Ethereum ecosystem Devcon Scholars Program: Broadening access to the Ethereum ecosystem
Devcon Scholars Program: Broadening access to the Ethereum ecosystem

Blockchain for Social Impact. An initiative by UNICEF Innovation, Consensys, and the Ethereum Foundation to provide an opportunity for individuals from underserved communities or developing areas to attend the largest annual gathering in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Learn more about Social Impact at Consensys