Smart Contract Vulnerability Coverage
MythX currently detects most SWCs found in the SWC Registry. Below you can find the types of vulnerabilities MythX covers.
Assertions and Property Checking
Solidity assert violation | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-110 |
MythX assertion violation (AssertionFailed event) | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-110 |
Byte-code Safety
Integer overflow in arithmetic operation | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-101 |
Integer underflow in arithmetic operation | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-110 |
Caller can redirect execution to arbitrary locations | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-127 |
Caller can write to arbitrary storage locations | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-124 |
Dangerous use of uninitialized storage variables | Solidity code analysis | SWC-109 |
Authorization Controls
Any sender can withdraw ETH from the contract account | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-105 |
Any sender can trigger SELFDESTRUCT | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-106 |
Use of "tx.origin" as a part of authorization control | Solidity code analysis | SWC-115 |
Control Flow
Delegatecall to a user-supplied address | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-112 |
Call to a user-supplied address | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-107 |
Unchecked return value from external call | Solidity code analysis | SWC-104 |
Block timestamp influences a control flow decision | Taint analysis (bytecode) | SWC-116 |
Environment variables influence a control flow decisions | Taint analysis (bytecode) | SWC-120 |
Loop over unbounded data structure | Solidity code analysis | SWC-128 |
Implicit loop over unbounded data structure | Solidity code analysis | SWC-128 |
Usage of "continue" in "do-while" | Solidity code analysis | N/A |
Multiple calls are executed in the same transaction | Static analysis (bytecode) | SWC-113 |
Persistent state read following external call | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-107 |
Persistent state write following external call | Symbolic analysis, fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-107 |
Account state accessed after call to user-defined address | Symbolic analysis (bytecode) | SWC-107 |
Return value of an external call is not checked | Static analysis (bytecode) | SWC-104 |
Potential weak source of randonmness | Solidity code analysis | SWC-120 |
Requirement violation | Fuzzing (bytecode) | SWC-123 |
Call with hardcoded gas amount | Solidity code analysis | SWC-134 |
ERC Standards
Incorrect ERC20 implementation | Solidity code analysis | N/A |
Solidity Coding Best Practices
Outdated compiler version | Solidity code analysis | SWC-102 |
No or floating compiler version set | Solidity code analysis | SWC-103 |
Use of right-to-left-override control character | Solidity code analysis | SWC-130 |
Shadowing of built-in symbol | Solidity code analysis | SWC-119 |
Incorrect constructor name | Solidity code analysis | SWC-118 |
State variable shadows another state variable | Solidity code analysis | SWC-119 |
Local variable shadows a state variable | Solidity code analysis | SWC-119 |
Function parameter shadows a state variable | Solidity code analysis | SWC-119 |
Named return value shadows a state variable | Solidity code analysis | SWC-119 |
Unary operation without effect | Solidity code analysis | SWC-129 |
Unary operation directly after assignment | Solidity code analysis | SWC-129 |
Unused state variable | Solidity code analysis | SWC-131 |
Unused local variable | Solidity code analysis | SWC-131 |
Function visibility is not set | Solidity code analysis | SWC-100 |
State variable visibility is not set | Solidity code analysis | SWC-108 |
Use of deprecated functions: callcode(), sha3(), ... | Solidity code analysis | SWC-111 |
Use of deprecated global variables (msg.gas, ...) | Solidity code analysis | SWC-111 |
Use of deprecated keywords (throw, var) | Solidity code analysis | SWC-111 |
Incorrect function state mutability | Solidity code analysis | N/A |